A dog’s plea
“I was born in the street
In road accidents I bleed;
No crumbs to eat
Not a drop to drink
No where to rest my feet
Can't sleep a wink
In cold or heat!
My siblings are dead
Where do I head?
I am the only one left
Save me from death
And this deadly street!"
2. Untamed melody
Lend your ears to the sounds no one hears!
Oh wait! Listen to its melodious whistle...
Wonder how does it chirrup...squeal...cheep!
Hearken its cuckoo...coo...warble...
Oh! Listen to its pipe...chant...bleep...
Fill your ears with its buzz...hum...tweet...
Attend to its honk...cluck...cackle...
Hear how it does snort...grunt...bleat!
Lend your ears to its gibber...chatter...chuckle...
Listen to its snap...snarl...hiss...
Heed to its bellow...roar...growl...
Surely something is amiss!
Hear its yelp...yap...howl...
Perhaps due to someone’s remiss!
Hark its bray...neigh...whine!
Why does it shriek...screech...hoot?
What does it pine?
May be someone has erred!
Surely some game is a-foot!
Somebody could be hurt!
Listen to the voices that want to be heard!
As deep as a shepherd’s flute
To which the sheep is all ears!
Hear the music no one hears!
Dance at a glance
I walked into the arms of nature
At my leisure!
Away from mundane pressure!
Watching the slow rhythm of a snail;
Rabbits bobbing their tail
Grasshoppers grooving to hip hop
Bulls crash, bang and wallop,
Horses trotting into a gallop
Dancing wild and free,
Bears belly dance
Shaking-it on a tree,
Kingfishers swiftly dive
Cockatoos jig and jive,
Elephants heavily stomp
En masse on the grass,
Cheetahs bounding with pomp
Butterflies hover and flutter,
Falcons elegantly swoop
Snakes glide and slither
Dolphins hula hoop
In the round rippling water,
Mountain goats tap dance
From one peak to the other
Herons claw dance
Their wings gracefully sway
As if in a synchronized ballet!
Monkeys fling and swing
I saw nature’s musical dance
And I began to sing
About its beauty
In its full bounty!
A joyous and hearty musical party
I can hear the call of Oriole
“Here - here -come right here”
The trumpets of the Gray Winged Trumpeter
The song of Swallow
The flap and flutter of a Sparrow
The sound of a Woodpecker
Pecking a tree’s bark
The dance of the Rock Hopper
To the sweet music of the Meadow-Lark
I hear the Bell-Bird tell a tale
While Chuck Will’s Widow
Sings in sorrow
On how they Whip Poor Will
Parrots gossip talk without a care
Pigeons coo and bill
Herons squawk at the peering Hawk
Up in the air
I see a Kite and Bob White
A flock of Falcons stalk
A Mocking Bird when spurred!
Amidst the gaggle and gabble of Geese
I hear a Nightingale’s warble
While the Yellow Hammer
Says “…a little bit of bread and no cheese”
Their share in the platter
The Humming Bird
Struggles to make it-self heard
In the chitter-chatter
Of Cock-a-too
The Tiger Trail
We were on a tiger’s trail
It was a female!
We wanted to nail
The tigress of the forest!
At many men’s behest,
For our own cattle
Was her bait!
It is going to be a tough battle!
Here and there we saw
The print of her paw!
Unlike we thought,
She did not
Walk with a steady gait.
We were closing in our net!
Holding our breath
For if we fail,
We could be mauled to death!
There she was, pale
Lying on a rail
Like a wrecked train!
Wincing in pain
Her cubs were frail,
Playing with her tail!
We will become great
When our kill will be on display!
She will no longer be a threat!
Her cubs at play,
Will helplessly wait
Whom would they hail?
Who will listen to their wail?
We stole their home
To make our own!
Shouldn’t they hunt for easy prey?
Where our live stocks lay!
They are just numbered!
Man has blundered!
We shouldn’t come in their way
Nay, we shouldn’t make them our prey!
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